Saturday, August 30, 2008

My smart Son when he was little!

My parents always made a big thing of always knowing how to spell a word. So much so that if hubby doesn't know a word he asks me & I can normally spell it for him.

Once Gareth was staying with my parents, he was about 6. He was upstairs writing & called down to my Mum asking how to spell a word. She called back up & told him to look it up in the dictionary. He was silent for a moment then called back down, if I don't know how to spell it, how will I find it!! Smart kid!!


Anonymous said...

that's too cute. I am always telling my kids to look up words, but they say that is old-school~you have to google it now.

Christine said...

LOL!!! Dictionaries!!! Old school right? How about that's old school!!

Lin said...
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Cheryl said...

Oh I too remember thinking that very same thing when my parents would have us look it up! Too cute!

4 Lettre Words said...

Oh, that really is cute...and clever!

Lin said...

Thanks for the comments!

Anonymous said...

That's such a CUTE story!!

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