Monday, September 26, 2011

Miche Bags :)

Well I am not sure if any of you are familiar with a Miche Bag. You can get four different types of bases & shells to fit them. You can have one bag, with lots of shells, so essentially have a new bag every day!

A friend brought me one for my Birthday with 3 shells. I love it & now have 10 shells, I have now become a Representative for them too! The following are a few Classic Shells I have on the Classic Base.

If you would like to see more bases & shells you can check them out on my Miche Page!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

New blog!

I now have a new blog as well to just feature my business! this is the link to the new blog:
Love-a-by-Baby Please also go visit Sheila at Blog designs by Sheila Sheila designed this new blog for me & I am so excited to have one just to post all my Ribbon Toy/ Sippy Cup Holders & Headbands to.
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